A Voice of Hope

Equipping and Encouraging Others to be a Voice of Hope

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

I Peter 3:15

Broadcast and Podcast

Join Troy Peverall and Chris Sasser every week for a thought-provoking and transformative 30-minute discussion about real-life matters, relevant issues, and ways we can infuse the hope of Jesus into our world. Tune in from Wilmington, NC, every Saturday at 9 am on FM 89.7 or via the Carolina Christian Radio App. Missed an episode? No worries! Catch up on all our inspiring conversations on the Voice of Hope Podcast.

A Voice of Hope is on a mission to make a difference in lives by raising funds to support individuals who require financial assistance for counseling and other essential needs. Join us in spreading hope and making a positive impact in our community.

Meet the Team

  • Troy Peverall

    Troy is the founder of both A Voice of Hope and Agape Counseling Associates in Wilmington, NC.


  • Chris Sasser

    Chris is the Pastor of Family Ministries at Port City Community Church in Wilmington, NC.


  • Kim Peverall

    Kim is the Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of Agape Counseling Associates in Wilmington, NC.


  • Suzie Peck

    Suzie is a part of the team at Agape Counseling Associates in Wilmington, NC and key supporter of A Voice of Hope.


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